The Clean Coder – oops, he did it again…

he = Uncle Bob
it = writing a book about Clean Code

I started reading “The Clean Coder” the same day it arrived at my desk. Contrary to “Clean Code”, Uncle Bob’s previous book, it was supposed to about coding /practices/ rather than code. As such it should be about the the behavior of engineers who strive to write clean code.

The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin
The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin

So, I for a few days I read chapter by chapter while commuting to and from work. It was a similar experience to reading “Clean Code”, very often I would think “Exactly! That’s it, nicely put.” because Uncle Bob’s believes and convictions are very much in line with my own. However, the longer I read the less interested I became. Finally, the book has been siting unfinished and untouched in my backpack for well over a month.

Why? Much more than in “Clean Code” Uncle Bob keeps repeating himself and if you’ve read some of his previous publications you know what to expect. Besides, there are way too many personal stories from his past that seem irrelevant (to me) for the purpose of the book.

If you have only little time, or little patience, I recommend you read at least the first chapter titled “professionalism”. In many ways it’s like a summary of the book.

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