WiFiMCU: a NodeMCU dev kit with a Cortex-M4 chip

DOIT, the Doctors Of Intelligence & Technology, ride the ESP8266 NodeMCU wave a bit differently. The have been producing 2nd generation ESP8266 NodeMCU development boards for a while now.

Recently they developed a new kit that uses more or less the same board but with a Cortex-M4 chip instead of an ESP8266. It goes by the name of WiFiMCU. When I asked DOIT how their board compared to ESP boards or the WiPy Jimmy Wu had the following to say:

WiFiMCU is based on stm32f411ce and broadcom wifi chip, which has more resource and functions compared to esp8266. It is true that stm32 mcu is more stable.
Comparing to WiPy, performance price ratio is the key.

The WiFiMCU Kickstarter campaign wasn’t all that successful but I don’t understand why they even run a campaign. The dev kit is already available for ~$11 at their own online shop.

WiFiMCU: NodeMCU with Cortext-M4 instead of ESP8266
WiFiMCU: NodeMCU with Cortext-M4 instead of ESP8266

Checkout how they even copied, okay “got inspired by”, the NodeMCU website. Funny.

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