Eclipse/Subversive, ordinal not located in LIBEAY32.dll

I recently downloaded Eclipse 3.3 packaged with its new standard SVN plugin Subversive.

[Side note]
I’ve been using Subversive before for almost as long as it exist – it was way better than Subclipse from the beginning. In 2007 Eclipse fortunately chose it as the SVN plugin that will be shipped together with the Eclipse distribution. Therefore, Subclipse has to go through an incubator process during which things can get a bit shaky an confusion about version numbers arises.
[/Side note]
Whenever connecting to a SVN repository over SSL, Windows(!) throws a “The ordinal nnnn could not be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll” error at me. The reason for this seems to be that Subversive comes with two versions of its JavaHL and native JavaHL connector: 1.4.5 and 1.5.0 alpha2. Both are enabled by default and both contain a LIBEAY32.dll, a different one however. Hence, I went to Help -> Software Updates -> Manage Configuration, disabled JavaHL 1.5.0 [alpha2] and Native JavaHL 1.5.0 [alpha2] (in that order!), and restarted Eclipse.

3 thoughts on “Eclipse/Subversive, ordinal not located in LIBEAY32.dll

  1. Thanks for the explanation! I had been wondering why after installing Subversive on Ganymede, this dll error kept popping up. You saved my day!

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