Techniques how to use ellipsis in table columns

The CSS3 text-oveflow property allows to have content not exceed a certain limit. Browsers can be asked to place ellipsis, the … “character”, after the last visible character rather than just cutting content off. It’s a nice visual indication for readers that there’s actually more content than what is shown. Later you’ll learn techniques how to use ellipsis in fixed-width or max-width table columns using HTML and CSS.

Before text-overflow supported ellipsis in most browsers (i.e. before maybe 2011) your only option was to use complicated font-metrics calculations on the server, cut-off the content after a certain number of characters, and append … manually. The results were obviously dissatisfying because one could never get this quite right across all browsers. Besides, since you don’t have control over the font-sizes in browsers it always remained a poor approach.

General remarks

The CSS instruction text-overflow: ellipsis can be used in various places but it always has to be applied to the HTML container that hosts your content. The container is for example a <div> or a paragraph – or a table cell. Also, it should be accompanied by the overflow: hidden CSS instruction. This is an indication to the browser that under no circumstances you want “excessive” content to be displayed.

Ellipsis in table columns

Consider the following requirements

  • you have tabular content in two columns
  • both columns combined must use at most N pixels
  • the right column has a fixed with of n pixels
  • the left column should use as few pixels as possible (at most N – n obviously)
  • and if the content in the left column exceeds the available space it should be cut off using ellipsis

The code

Based on discussion on Stackoverflow here are three techniques:

  • use an HTML table
  • use div with display: inline-block
  • use floating div in div
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <body style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: #CCBBAA;">
        <td style="max-width: 307px; 
          overflow: hidden; 
          text-overflow: ellipsis;
          white-space: nowrap; 
          display: block; 
          font-weight: bold;">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do</td>
        <td style="width: 130px; color: #545556;">ST.2012.10.17.006</td>
      <div style="overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: nowrap;
        display: inline-block;
        max-width: 307px;
        font-weight: bold;">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
      <div style="width: 130px; color: #545556; display: inline-block; overflow:hidden;">
      <div style="float: left; 
        overflow: hidden; 
        text-overflow: ellipsis; 
        white-space: nowrap; 
        max-width: 307px; 
        font-weight: bold;"> 
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
      <div style="float:left; width: 130px; color: #545556;"> 

Results in different browsers

Safari on OS X

Ellipsis in table columns - result on OS X Safari

Firefox on OS X

Ellipsis in table columns - result on OS X Firefox

Firefox on Windows 7

Ellipsis in table columns - result on Windows 7 Firefox

IE 9 on Windows 7

Ellipsis in table columns - result on Windows 7 IE9

IE9 in quirks mode in Window 7

Ellipsis in table columns - result on Windows 7 IE9 quirks mode


Contact me if you have an idea how to make this work for IE9 in quirks mode ;-). For all other browsers I favor the second approach over the third. I only use CSS float if there’s no other option because with every float you need a clear, too.

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